Community Banks Continue Showing Solid Loan Growth & Loan Quality.

Community Banks continue to show solid, but moderating loan growth as implied in Federal Reserve H.8 weekly report. Loan portfolios up nearly 5 percent annualized compared to the top 25 largest banks showing only +1 percent annualized over latest 4 weeks.

Residential mortgage portfolios up 9 percent annualized at small banks while largest banks have shown modest decline. Similar story for construction and commercial real estate loans - down at largest banks while up at all other banks.

Deposits growth continues across industry with both largest banks and all other banks showing equivalent of 8 percent annualized growth.

And as we continue late in the U.S. economic cycle - now at 102 months in length, loan quality remains solid across the banking industry as of Q3 FDIC call report cycle. Loan charge off ratio at largest 25 banks was 51 bps compared to 18 bps at community banks and all other banks. Similarly +30 day delinquency ratio remains relatively low with community banks and other banks showing 1.33% compared to 1.93% for largest 25 banks.

As 2018 nears, do your operating plans suggest a more modest growth environment for lending? Do you anticipate continued moderate growth in deposits? And do you see loan quality holding through the year?