BANK BALANCE SHEET WEEKLY DASHBOARD: Community Bank Lending Solid; Large Bank Lending Slows
In our "BANK BALANCE SHEET WEEKLY DASHBOARD", loan growth continues across the banking industry (FRB H.8 data reporting through week of August 9). Community banks continue at 5 - 6 percent growth rate over past month, quarter and year. Large banks (top 100) have been steady but at slower growth rate of+2 percent. Small bank (approximately $9 billion or less in total assets) seeing growth in CREL, construction, residential mortgages and consumer.
Deposit growth at community banks has also continues strong at 5 - 7 percent. Large bank deposit growth continues but at slightly slower pace. Use of borrowings differed between community banks and large banks this past 4-week period with community banks showing decline, while large banks increased use of borrowings.